Superintendent's Message

Superintendent George Solter
May Message
We are now in May and I have some important points of information to tell you about.  

First, the school year will soon come to a close.  We have sent out report cards after the first, second, and third, marking periods in addition to mid-marking period alerts.  Additionally, you as a parent have access to the Realtime app and parent portal to see your child's information online.  Please make sure you know your child’s academic progress.  If you are having problems with access or need to discuss your child, please call the main office at the school.

Second, our summer school offers two distinct types of classes: remedial and enrichment. Remedial programs are designed for students who need to catch up on core subjects they struggled with during the regular school year. These courses focus on intensive learning in a condensed time frame to help students pass the class they failed or address skill gaps that might prevent them from moving on to the next grade level. Conversely, enrichment summer school provides opportunities for students who are already on track academically. These programs delve deeper into specific areas of interest, like science, languages, or the arts, allowing students to explore their passions and potentially get a head start on the next academic year's curriculum. While both types aim to enhance learning, remedial summer school addresses foundational gaps, while enrichment programs expand upon existing knowledge and provide avenues for deeper exploration.  We will have more information in early June.

Third, we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week during the first full week of May. This is a dedicated time to celebrate the incredible impact educators have on our lives and a chance to acknowledge their tireless efforts, dedication, and the countless ways they go above and beyond to nurture young minds. From creating lessons to providing support, teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future, and this week serves as a reminder to express our deepest gratitude for their invaluable contributions.  We also want to recognize School Nurses Day which is celebrated on May 8th, thank you to all of our nurses who help our students.

Fourth, Memorial Day, a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors the sacrifice of U.S. military personnel who died while serving their country. Originally known as Decoration Day, it emerged after the Civil War as a day to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. Today, Memorial Day serves as an occasion to remember all those who gave their lives in service, often marked by visits to cemeteries and memorials, placing flags on graves, and participating in parades. While unofficially signaling the beginning of summer, Memorial Day's true purpose lies in honoring the fallen heroes, so while you are enjoying the weekend, please take a little time to think of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation.

Finally, May 12th is Mother's Day.  I hope all of the moms have a very special and enjoyable day. You deserve it!

 Thank you.      
Dr. George J. Solter Jr. 
[email protected]